How Attribute-Based Design Perceptions and Consumer-Brand Relationship Affected on Brand Equity?


  • Abdolhossein Karampour Assistant Professor of Economy and Management, Shiraz University, Iran.
  • Bahareh Ahmadinejad Department of Management, Islamic Azad University (IAU), Qazvin Branch, Qazvin, Iran.


Consumers act differently in choosing brands. Some like certain brands but some do not. A major reason is the design of products made by brands and the quality of experience. In general, companies can differentiate their products from competitors by focusing on physical features such as taste, design, and non-physical features such as price, brand, and country of origin. this research investigates design perception including (five design perceptual dimensions, namely visual, functional, kinesthetic, interface and information) and its effects on brand equity and experience. User expertise was considered as a mediating variable. Partial least squares path modeling (PLS) was used to test the research model. Samples were randomly collected from GLX smartphone phone consumers, and 367 samples included in this research. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire were evaluated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, combined reliability, divergent validity and confirmatory analysis. The results showed an acceptable reliability and validity. Pearson correlation coefficient and PLS software were used to analyze the data. The outcomes showed that design perception positively and significantly affects the experimental value and brand equity and experimental value positively affect brand equity. Finally, moderating user expertise's vivacious and significant role in the relationship between design perception and the experimental value confirmed.


Design perception, Experimental value, Brand equity, Brand awareness, User expertise, Brand associations.

How to Cite

Karampour, A., & Ahmadinejad, B. (2020). How Attribute-Based Design Perceptions and Consumer-Brand Relationship Affected on Brand Equity?. Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, Economics and Finance, 2(3), 61–70.


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