A Systematic Review of Factors Influencing Supply Chain Performance Outcomes



  • G. Tony Bell Rutgers University, USA.
  • John Sherlock Western Carolina University, USA.


The concept of supply chain management (SCM) is receiving greater attention among academics and organizations and is viewed as a potential source of bottom and top-line growth. Despite the potential for improving organizational performance through supply chain improvements, little scholarly evidence exists in management literature to establish an association between organizational factors and SCM performance outcomes. This paper focuses on an understanding of those factors by providing a systematic review of 21 empirical studies, whereby an evidence-based analysis of the findings from this research indicates that four organizational factors (people orientation, process orientation, information technology, and external environment) are associated with SCM performance outcomes. Although the paper initially sought to identify specific factors associated with successful supply chain outcomes, the evidence led to the importance of a fifth factor, supply chain integration, and its impact on supply chain performance. Moreover, the paper discusses the managerial implications of supply chain integration and identifies the need for improved competency among supply chain managers to further bring supply chain integration to life.


Supply chain, Supply chain management, Logistics management, Performance, Outcomes, Effectiveness.

How to Cite

Bell, G. T. ., & Sherlock, J. . (2020). A Systematic Review of Factors Influencing Supply Chain Performance Outcomes. Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, Economics and Finance, 2(1), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.33094/26410265.2020.21.1.17


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