Staff Development and Promotion as Correlates of Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Secondary Schools in Ekiti State, Nigeria


  • B. B. Arogundade Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Education, Ekiti State University, Ado- Ekiti, Nigeria


The study examined the relationship between staff development, promotion and teachers’ job satisfaction in secondary schools in Ekiti State. The study adopted a descriptive research design of the survey type. The population of this study consisted of all the 7,538 teachers in the 203 public secondary schools in Ekiti State. The sample for the study consisted of 800 respondents (640 class teachers, 128 Head of Departments and 32 Vice Principals) from 32 public secondary schools in Ekiti State via multistage sampling procedure which involved simple random, stratified and purposive sampling techniques Two sets of instruments tagged “Staff Development and Promotion Questionnaire (SDPQ)” and “Teachers Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (TJSQ)” were used to collect relevant data for the study. The face and content validity of the instruments were determined by Educational Management experts, experts in Test and Measurements. The test retest method of reliability was used to ascertain the reliability of the instruments. The reliability coefficient of 0.91 obtained for SDPQ while 0.84 was obtained for TJSQ. The research hypotheses were tested using Pearson’s Products Moment Correlation at 0.05 level of significance. Findings revealed the significant relationship between staff development, promotion and teachers job satisfaction. It was recommended that regular staff development programmes should be organized by government for continuous professional development of teachers. It was also recommended that teachers should be promoted as and when due and whenever there is delay in promotion, the arrears of the financial benefit of such promotion should be paid in full.


Staff development, Promotion, Teacher job satisfaction, Secondary school.

How to Cite

Arogundade, B. B. . (2019). Staff Development and Promotion as Correlates of Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Secondary Schools in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Contemporary Research in Education and English Language Teaching, 1(3), 41–44.


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