Promotional digital marketing strategies with social networks

Bibliometric analysis of digital strategies through Facebook and Instagram


  • Cristina Marín Palacios ESIC University / ESIC Business and Marketing School
  • María Botey Fullat ESIC University / ESIC Business and Marketing School



E-marketing, Promotional strategies, Facebook, Instagram, Scopus, WOSviewer, Machine learning


Promotional strategies have an increasing impact on sales, being strongly transformed with the debelopment of social networks. This study is to provide a bibliometric analysis of promotional marketing strategies highlighting the new associated social networks.
It is made on a selection of Scopus articles (with VOSviewer, words: marketing, promotion, Facebook or Instagram) obtaining 271 publications (2008 to 2022).
A strategy shift towards data mining and machine learning is detected in Instagram. This study concludes with insights that can help managers to drive marketing strategies in their companies.


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How to Cite

Marín Palacios, C., & Botey Fullat, M. (2022). Promotional digital marketing strategies with social networks: Bibliometric analysis of digital strategies through Facebook and Instagram. TECHNO REVIEW. International Technology, Science and Society Review Revista Internacional De Tecnología, Ciencia Y Sociedad, 12(1), 1–11.