The Reflexive Character of Franz Werfel’s Interior Monologues in Listen to the Voice


  • Marisel Adriana Somale Universidad Nacional de Villa María



introspection, interior monologue, reflection


The interior monologues in “Listen to the Voice” by Franz Werfel constitute truly moments of the protagonist’s deep introspection and reflection. The main character stands for the salvation of humankind’s messenger. The monologue is Jeeves’ direct communication device, an element which assumes the shape of an oral exchange transmitted to the interlocutor. The incarnation of the messianic Jeremías in a contemporary character implies the power of redemption, since even when the tragic hero must die; he endows us with his life to restore order. Werfel’s grandeur cannot be denied. He stands out for having a deep understanding of the human heart. Werfel’s recreation of the text emphasizes that “the truly human concerns are perennial and, for their intelligence and recreation, they require equally perennial sources”. In “Listen to the Voice” the soliloquy is constructed as a light and, at the same time, as a subtle and plain mesh upon which the spiritual images and ideas are developed, and from this mesh the reader can easily perceive what goes through Jeeeves’ mind.

Author Biography

Marisel Adriana Somale, Universidad Nacional de Villa María

Magister en Humanidades y Ciencias, por la Universidad Nacional de Villa María, Córdoba, República Argentina. Es Licenciada en Lengua Inglesa y Traductora Técnica de Inglés. Es profesora adjunta en el espacio curricular Lengua Inglesa IV en la UNVM e investigadora en el campo de Lingüística Aplicada, donde posee diversas publicaciones. Ha participado en Congresos Internacionales y en Conferencias de Divulgación Científica. Recientemente ha publicado su libro en Humanidades “Explorando los Rincones de la Cultura. El Ser en Acción”, en el cual aborda, entre otros temas, la noción de orden, justicia y moderación, aspectos del hombre que se constituyen en puntos neurales para su tránsito por la vida.


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How to Cite

Somale, M. A. (2015). The Reflexive Character of Franz Werfel’s Interior Monologues in Listen to the Voice. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 4(1).



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