The introduction of video games in the museum content

De la intención al diseño de experiencias


  • Rocío Mihura López Universidade da Coruña
  • Antonio Seoane Nolasco Universidade da Coruña
  • Teresa Piñeiro Otero Universidade da Coruña



Interactivo, Museum, Video games, User-centered design, Museum visitor


In recent decades there has been a radical change in the concept of the museum towards the valorization of the experience as a way of acquiring knowledge. This change has generated an environment conducive to the entry of interactive digital installations that combine information and education with a playful perspective that often leads them to transfer elements and features of video games for a more attractive, immersive and memorable experience. The purpose of this article has been to redefine elements of video game design and its intersection with user-centered design for its application in the museum context.


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How to Cite

Mihura López, R. ., Seoane Nolasco, A. ., & Piñeiro Otero, T. (2023). The introduction of video games in the museum content: De la intención al diseño de experiencias. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 19(4), 1–14.



Research Articles (Special Issue)