Severini and the internationalization of Valori Plastici

Collaborations and correspondence between 1919 and 1922


  • Sofía Mañero Cerutti Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Gino Severini, Valori Plastici, Carlo Carrà, Mario Broglio, Avant-garde art, L’Effort moderne, Call to order


Among all the fascicles of the Valori Plastici magazine, its issue II-III stands out. While the magazine has always been characterized by a focus on Italy, this issue focuses on French Cubist art. It is proposed here as an objective to defend, through a documentary methodology that provides the unpublished documents consulted in the Archive of 900’(MART), that it was precisely Severini who was in charge of making that issue and that with it he established a short period of relations between the artists linked to the Valori Plastici and himself, with interesting consequences for communication between the Italian and French artistic fields.


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-12, I, 1919; -2ª nº 1-2, II, 1920; -3ª nº 3-4, II, 1920; -4ª nº 5-6, II, 1920.

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De Chirico, G. (1919). Il ritorno al mestiere. Valori Plastici, 11-12, I, pp. 15-19.

De Chirico, G. (1919). Sull’arte metafísica. Valori Plastici, 4-5, I, pp.15-18.

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Lahuerta, J. J. (Ed.). (1990). De Chirico, G. Sobre el arte metafísico y otros escritos. Murcia: Colegio Oficial de Aparejadores y Arquitectos Técnicos.

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Documentación del Archivio del 900’ (MART)

Fondo Gino Severini:

Sev. I.2.20 (1-16) Correspondencia con Mario Broglio

Sev. I. 2. 76 (1-7) Correspondencia con Giovanni Papini

Fondo Carlo Carrà:

Car. I. 133. (15-17) Correspondencia con Gino Severini



How to Cite

Mañero Cerutti, S. . (2022). Severini and the internationalization of Valori Plastici: Collaborations and correspondence between 1919 and 1922. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 15(6), 1–13.