The motherhood and the popular comic culture system of representation

The pregnant body into the context of Emily in Paris


  • María José Bogas Ríos Centro Universitario San Isidoro (adscrito a la UPO)



Grotesque body, Carnivalesque, Popular culture, Netflix, Feminism theory, Film Theory, Representation


This research is a qualitative type with a narratological approach and an analytical-synthetic method. The main object is to understand the phenomenon of motherhood’s representations and the pregnant body in the context of popular culture and comic theory through the two seasons released so far of Netflix’s series, Emily in Paris. The conclusions can be summarized in that motherhood is inscribed in the geographical and discursive margins of the romantic storytelling given in the dominant representational paradigm of France and that the pregnant body is represented through the features of the grotesque body present in popular comic culture.


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How to Cite

Bogas Ríos, M. J. (2022). The motherhood and the popular comic culture system of representation: The pregnant body into the context of Emily in Paris. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 15(6), 1–19.