Digital Education Teachers for the XXI Century


  • Josefina Bárcenas López CCADET-UNAM
  • José Antonio Domínguez CCADET-UNAM
  • Enrique Ruiz-Velasco IISUE-UNAM
  • José Santos Tolosa Sánchez FESI-UNAM



Carballo, Emmanuel, Critics, Literature, Humanism, Humanist, Critical, Practical, Discourse, Name, Mexican, México


Professor in the last two decades has tried to meet the demands of educational institutions: acquire digital skills that enable them to achieve an "optimal" level of knowledge in the use of computer technology resources and incorporate these resources into their classroom activities. However, you still cannot find the formula for teachers to change teaching model (transceiver) in force in schools and in the classroom. However, although the activities that are realized in the classroom are enclosed in an apparent black box, in this paper there appear techno-pedagogical models that have implemented of higher education teachers in the classroom and that proposes a new role of the teacher is present, the teacher innovative. A teacher who combines curriculum content, teaching, attitudes, digital skills, and learning styles to innovate in their teaching method and realizes his teaching ability, knowledge and professional training as well as a digital culture that goes beyond know how to use digital devices and joint human and technological knowledge in techno-pedagogical to build new learning environments and teaching models.


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How to Cite

Bárcenas López, J., Domínguez, J. A., Ruiz-Velasco, E., & Santos Tolosa Sánchez, J. (2016). Digital Education Teachers for the XXI Century. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 5(2), 47–55.



Research articles