How to embed gender equity approach in a european project on forced migration

The experience and challenges of a H2020 initiative


  • Liisa Hänninen Complutense University of Madrid



Gender equity, Forced migration, Forcibly displaced persons, European project, Attention and inclusion, Gender sensitive, Gender transformative


The current paper plunges into the reality of a European Research and Innovation project on forced migration, with the aim of explaining the challenge of embedding gender equity approach into the entire process. The level of gender sensitivity of the initiative is analysed, as well as the difficulties and benefits in the implementation of gender equity in a culturally diverse and complex research surrounding of a three year H2020 initiative focused on finding tailored attention and inclusion strategies for forced migrants. Findings show the need for additional training at international level, and the quest for genuinely transformative gender equity strategies.


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How to Cite

Hänninen, L. (2022). How to embed gender equity approach in a european project on forced migration: The experience and challenges of a H2020 initiative. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 14(3), 1–7.