Social Responsibility in the Hospitals of the SR Health Network

Estructura y funcionamiento


  • Red Sanitaria de Responsabilidad Social Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Social responsibility, Social and health responsibility, Hospitals, Public hospitals, Intangibles in the public sector, Agenda 2030, communication in hospitals


We present the results of a study that explores the management of social responsibility in thirteen hospitals of the RS Health Network. The findings reveal that these hospitals manage the SR professionally and with quality criteria, oriented to compliance with the SDGs, within the framework of the strategic plan of each hospital. Although, deficits are still detected in its departmental implementation, its planning, and the evaluation of its impacts. And some weaknesses such as lack of resources and leadership. To overcome them, the hospital’s management support is decisive. The RS Health Network is a model for collaboration.


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How to Cite

Red Sanitaria de Responsabilidad Social. (2022). Social Responsibility in the Hospitals of the SR Health Network: Estructura y funcionamiento. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 14(2), 1–12.