The joy in the thought of Clément Rosset


  • Sonia Viramontes Cabrera Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas



Philosophy, Tragic thought, Uncondition al approval, Eternal return, Happiness


The tragic thought of Clément Rosset cannot be understood without one of its key concepts: joy. It is not an exaggeration tos ay that his philosophy could be summed up in the following sentence “le tus rejoice, because the worst in inevitable”, despite the fact that life is revealed to the autor as absurda n miserable, his philosophy finds in the joyo f living, the attitude more consistent with that way of seeing the world.


Cioran, E. M. (1981). Del inconveniente de haber nacido. Taurus.

Nietzsche, Friedrich (1995). Más allá del bien y del mal. Alianza.

Nietzsche, Friedrich(2006). Ecce homo. Alianza.

Nietzsche, Friedrich(2010). La gaya ciencia. Edimat.

Pessoa, Fernando (1997). Poesías completes de Alberto Caeiro. Pretextos.

Rosset, Clément (2000). La fuerza mayor. Acuarela.

Rosset, Clément(2004). Lo real. Tratado de la idiotez. Pretextos.

Rosset, Clément(2013). Lógica de lo peor. El cuenco de plata.

Schopenhauer, Arthur (2000). El arte de ser feliz. Herder.



How to Cite

Viramontes Cabrera, S. . (2022). The joy in the thought of Clément Rosset. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 13(5), 1–8.