The Theory de La problematologie and hermeneutics

Towards an argumentative horizon to free interpretation from propositional tyranny


  • Mohamed El Mouden El Mouden Universidad de Cádiz



Argumentation, Questioning, Hermeneutics, Rationality, Meaning, Interpretative tyranny, Problematology


The problematic theory of the Belgian philosopher Michel Meyer opened a new philosophical and argumentative horizon to free human thought from the dominance of the propositional tendency. A tendency that imposed a systematic pattern, throughout the history of human thought, with a logical reference based on the principles of non-contradiction, identity and excluded third party. This article will focus on the contributions of the so-called “de la problematologie” theory to free interpretation from the propositional tyranny that reduces the plurality of answers to a propositional dichotomy A or -A .


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How to Cite

El Mouden El Mouden, M. (2022). The Theory de La problematologie and hermeneutics: Towards an argumentative horizon to free interpretation from propositional tyranny. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 13(5), 1–15.