Promoting online collaborative learning on moodle platform with the “quick chat” plugin


  • Umberto Dello Iacono University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli”



E-learning, Digital environment, Collaborative learning, Mathematics education, Graphical interfaces, Moodle, Quick chat


In recent years, several Vygotskian computer-based learning activities (VCBLAs) were designed in the context of (mathematics) education and implemented on Moodle platform. However, Moodle does not allow users to visualize all chats on a single browser page, and they are forced to open multiple browser windows and switch among them very frequently. This paper describes the features of a plugin for Moodle, called “Quick Chat,” which allows to manage in a single browser window both the narrative flow of a VCBLA and all chats. Some results of an experimentation with PhD students, engaged in solving two mathematical tasks, are shown.


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How to Cite

Dello Iacono, U. . (2022). Promoting online collaborative learning on moodle platform with the “quick chat” plugin. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 12(3), 1–10.