Socio-educational pedagogical conception of care cooperative learning for the training of nurses


  • Luis Alberto Alzate Peralta Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador



Cooperative learning, Nursing, Care task, Team task, Teaching-learning process, Competencies, Didactic


In Nursing, it is required that professionals have knowledge and skills that allow them to assume attitudes of teamwork, therefore, the teaching-learning process must propose didactic alternatives aimed at training in student’s ways of acting to develop care tasks in nursing. equipment. It is proposed as an idea to defend that a conception of the teaching process with a cooperative care learning approach through learning tasks in a cooperative situation favors the development of skills to work as a team in the training of nurses. The methods used were: logical history, structural systemic method and hermeneutic method.


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How to Cite

Alzate Peralta, L. A. . (2022). Socio-educational pedagogical conception of care cooperative learning for the training of nurses. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 11(6), 1–16.