How to improve communicative competence in Primary School: debate as a new method

Educational intervention Project


  • Eugenia Mª Acedo Tapia Centro Universitario de Antequera Mª Inmaculada, adscrito a la Universidad de Málaga (CAMMIA)
  • Marta Rodríguez Frías Centro Universitario de Antequera Mª Inmaculada, adscrito a la Universidad de Málaga (CAMMIA)



Debate, Oral expression, Oral comprehension, Communicative competence, Primary education


The debate on a method to improve oral expression and comprehension in Primary School is being reinforced by the latest educational legislation, such as the LOMLOE which gives great importance to the development of skills and abilities. This educational intervention project aims to arouse the interest of students in new topics of debate, increasing their ability to reason and analyze, getting them used to receiving criticism and developing communication skills. It will be carried out throughout a school year, dividing three phases (approach, deepening and debate league), which will help teachers to improve the communicative competence of their students.


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How to Cite

Acedo Tapia, E. M., & Rodríguez Frías, M. . (2022). How to improve communicative competence in Primary School: debate as a new method: Educational intervention Project. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 11(5), 1–10.