Aristotle: Hermeneutic-Critical Analysis of the Four Causes and his Modal Ontology


  • Francisco Romero Martín Investigador de HERCRITIA y del Archivo de Heidegger de Sevilla



Aristotle, Metaphysics, First Philosophy, Causes, Hermeneutics, Language, Modal Ontology, Being


The aim of this research is to make explicit, within a possible and suggestive interpretation, the reasons why Aristotle understood the need to postulate the final way as a way to efficiently carry out the First Philosophy. Thus, we will review his critique of the causes employed by his philosophical tradition: the material, the efficient, and the formal. Finally, having found the reasons for the necessity of postulating a fourth cause, the final one, we will present the cardinal points of his logoi Θ as the conclusion of the founder of the Lyceum with respect to his First Philosophy: the Modal Ontology.


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How to Cite

Romero Martín, F. . (2021). Aristotle: Hermeneutic-Critical Analysis of the Four Causes and his Modal Ontology. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 10, 211–227.