Megaric-Stoic Logic

Possibility and Necessity as Alethic Operators


  • José Alejandro Fernández Cuesta Complutense University of Madrid



Megaric-Stoic logic, Accessibility relationship, True logical constants, History of modal logic, Ancient Greek logic, Philosophy of modal logic


In this article, we introduce a possible way to interpret the possibility and necessity notions developed within the Megaric-Stoic logic as alethic modal operators. Megaric-Stoic semantics will be introduced as metaphysical background for necessity and possibility definitions and arguments will be offered in order to give up the prevailing interpretations which include ad hoc variables. After proposing the survey of Diodorus definitions from relational modal semantics, a series of topics that deserve to be revisited from this perspective will be pointed out.


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Las fuentes clásicas no especificadas se citan en su edición canónica:

Damascio, De principiis.

Simplicio, Física.

Teofrasto, Physikoi dóxai.

Alejandro de Afrodisias, Comentario a los Analíticos Primeros de Aristóteles Libro Primero, I.

Aristóteles, Sobre la interpretación.

Aristóteles, Analíticos primeros.

Aristóteles, Metafísica.



How to Cite

Fernández Cuesta, J. A. (2021). Megaric-Stoic Logic: Possibility and Necessity as Alethic Operators. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 10, 261–270.