Revista Jurídica Latinoamericana 2021-05-28T22:28:25+06:00 Open Journal Systems Detención Provisional vs Libertad Bajo Cautela 2021-03-27T01:10:01+06:00 Magtr. Carlos Manuel Barragán Quiróz <p>Fecha de recepción, febrero 2020</p> <p>Fecha de aprobación, noviembre 2020</p> <p>Páginas: 6</p> <p>The preventive detention or now called provisional detention has been throughout history one of the greatest evils of the Criminal Law; by means of the use of this merely instrumental measure our prisons, or subhuman dungeons have been throughout the years become saturated with inmates; either guilty or innocent. In this compendious, but substantial essay we intend to project that the deprivation of freedom under certain requirements should not become under any circumstance an anticipated punishment; considering the attacks that a person could suffer in a penitentiary center do not have atonement.&nbsp; Therefore, the judge, when deciding on the arguments of the parties, should demand a justified, proportional and suitable provisional detention or freedom under certain precautionary conditions.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2021-03-27T00:00:00+06:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Revista Jurídica Latinoamericana La detención preventiva o ahora llamada detención provisional ha sido a través de la historia uno de los mayores males del Derecho Penal, mediante la utilización de esta medida m 2021-05-28T22:28:25+06:00 Magtr. Carlos Manuel Barragán Quiróz <p>Fecha de recepción, febrero 2020</p> <p>Fecha de aprobación, noviembre 2020</p> <p>Páginas: 12</p> <p>The preventive detention or now called provisional detention has been throughout history one of the greatest evils of the Criminal Law; by means of the use of this merely instrumental measure our prisons, or subhuman dungeons have been throughout the years become saturated with inmates; either guilty or innocent. In this compendious, but substantial essay we intend to project that the deprivation of freedom under certain requirements should not become under any circumstance an anticipated punishment; considering the attacks that a person could suffer in a penitentiary center do not have atonement.&nbsp; Therefore, the judge, when deciding on the arguments of the parties, should demand a justified, proportional and suitable provisional detention or freedom under certain precautionary conditions.</p> 2021-03-27T00:00:00+06:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Revista Jurídica Latinoamericana Los Estándares de Prueba para las Diversas Decisiones Judiciales 2021-03-27T01:48:11+06:00 Mgter. Gustavo Romero-Duque Luis Ramón Guardia Sánchez Anelyz Aylene Vergara Quiróz Lourdes Joaquina Mendoza Moreno Elisel de la Cruz Vence Zurita Génesis Michael Perez Aguilar Wallace Emilio Barker Britton Eddie Abdiel Quintero García Belkis Gisela Mariscal Montenegro Kathiel Idalia Martínez Gómez Antonio Jonathan Martínez Gómez <p>Fecha de recepción, febrero 2020</p> <p>Fecha de aprobación, noviembre 2020</p> <p>Páginas: 7</p> <p>This study focuses on the benchmarks to measure evidence and assist the judge's decision in a process. That is why, it addresses basic concepts about evidence and aspects such as the assessment of evidence in civil and criminal matters and some evidentiary value, and finally address the issue of Conventional Law. The standards of evidence serve as rules and principles for the judge's decision, in addition to their function of harmony and peace for society that requires timely responses to court decisions. In addition, it is the materialization of a request from a society that wants the principles of social coexistence to be respected. In conclusion, compliance with these standards maintains the legal security of every society and is a guarantee of respect for fundamental rights, which are guaranteed and protected by impartial jurisdictional bodies.</p> 2021-03-27T00:00:00+06:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Revista Jurídica Latinoamericana La Prescripción Adquisitiva de Dominio Civil y la Prescripción Adquisitiva Agraria en la Legislación Panameña 2021-03-27T01:58:37+06:00 Ángela Ardines Ortega <p>Fecha de recepción, julio 2020</p> <p>Fecha de aprobación, septiembre 2020</p> <p>Páginas: 5</p> <p>The study was intend to know the differences between the process of civil adverse possession and agrarian, under Panamanian law; we first review the rules governing both processes and procedural distinction presented. Civil and agricultural, rules relating to possession, acquisitive prescription of civil dominance, agricultural land and collective were review. The differences between the process of civil adverse possession and agrarian, pursuant to the provisions of the Land Code were determined. Evidentiary rules, used under Panamanian law, to test this process and whether the evidence, are more important to each other were studied.</p> 2021-03-27T00:00:00+06:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Revista Jurídica Latinoamericana LA TECNOLOGÍA Y LOS TRABAJADORES 2021-03-27T02:03:37+06:00 Carlos Ayala Montero <p>Fecha de recepción, febrero 2020</p> <p>Fecha de aprobación, agosto 2020</p> <p>Páginas: 4</p> <p>As for the use of effective advance technology in production, according to, internet availability in infoplaza at the national level equipped with computers with access of internet at school and the implementation of the electronic government electronic, have allow Panama to move forward in the use of new technology at the Latin American level in the last years.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The level of inequality within the countries could increase the creation of a group of workers with increase capacity to adapt to technological change and to the new employees on one hand, and a large group of workers unable to do so, as happened a few decades ago with the privatization of state-owned enterprises.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>In order to survive, these workers will find new way to generate income, which will occur in the informal field, but the informality also affect the system, due to unfair competition. Formal enterprise cannot compete with those that dodge cost, such as social security vacations and others, on the other hand, informality implies the disability to be credit subject because of lack of labor stability (long term safe income in order to pay credit commitments), which drastically reduce the operation of the system and therefore the consumption. It is therefore better for the system to maintain the majority of the workers within the framework of formal employment relationship.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2021-03-27T00:00:00+06:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Revista Jurídica Latinoamericana