Los Estándares de Prueba para las Diversas Decisiones Judiciales
(Ensayo ganador del Concurso Semilleros Panamá 2019)
Conventional law, standards, evidence, court decisionsAbstract
Fecha de recepción, febrero 2020
Fecha de aprobación, noviembre 2020
Páginas: 7
This study focuses on the benchmarks to measure evidence and assist the judge's decision in a process. That is why, it addresses basic concepts about evidence and aspects such as the assessment of evidence in civil and criminal matters and some evidentiary value, and finally address the issue of Conventional Law. The standards of evidence serve as rules and principles for the judge's decision, in addition to their function of harmony and peace for society that requires timely responses to court decisions. In addition, it is the materialization of a request from a society that wants the principles of social coexistence to be respected. In conclusion, compliance with these standards maintains the legal security of every society and is a guarantee of respect for fundamental rights, which are guaranteed and protected by impartial jurisdictional bodies.