International Journal of Translational Medical Research and Public Health: Announcements <p style="text-align: justify;">The International Journal of Translational Medical Research and Public Health (IJTMRPH) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes original research, review articles, field studies, and commentaries on all aspects of applied or translational medical research, global and public health.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The journal publishes papers that can be applied to global and public health practices, programs, and policies. The journal is passionate about papers that contribute to local and international efforts to improve the health of populations and save lives around the world.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">IJTMRPH welcomes manuscripts that discuss application of research results to global and public health programs, policies and practices. IJTMRPH is a development-oriented journal; therefore submissions from authors in, or research on, health issues affecting developing (low and middle-income) countries are particularly welcomed and will receive special consideration.</p> <p><strong>Submission and Communication</strong></p> <p>The journal was founded by researchers for researchers. So, we recognize the need for rapid dissemination of high-quality papers. The journal aims, on average, to provide authors with initial acknowledgement and feedback within 6 weeks from the date of submission. Depending on a host of factors including the quality of original submission, currency of the topic, novelty, number of revisions recommended, journal's interest, and how responsive authors are to editorial communication, the journal aspires to publish revised and accepted papers, on average, between 3-4 months from the date of submission. Most importantly, the journal does not and shall not make any guarantees of manuscript acceptance within any timeline.&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Scope &amp; Niche<br></strong>IJTMRPH fills a gap in the slew of existing open-access journals. For several decades, leading scientists, researchers, and institutions across the world have instigated ground-breaking innovations and discoveries to prevent disease, mitigate disability, prolong quality lives, and improve health outcomes. Sadly, very few of these innovations are actually translated into life-saving therapies for individual, public and population health. For example, Dr. Francis Collins, the Director of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) once told the U.S. Congress that ..."we have witnessed unprecedented advances in basic and fundamental science; however, the translation of research discoveries into treatments and interventions that improve human health in many instances is a slow and failure-prone process." IJTMRPH provides a platform for the exchange and dissemination of studies with the greatest potential for translation into interventions to improve population and public health. Incremental contributions in the form of diverse article types are welcome. The journal publishes articles in the broad areas of translational and applied medical research and public health.&nbsp;<br><strong><br>Scope and Areas of Interest</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">IJTMRPH will consider manuscripts in, but not limited to, the following fields:</p> <div class="scope-area"> <ul class="scope-area-list"> <li class="show">Public Health</li> <li class="show">General and Special Epidemiology</li> <li class="show">Infectious Diseases</li> <li class="show">Chronic Diseases</li> <li class="show">Occupational Health</li> <li class="show">Environmental Health</li> <li class="show">Social and Behavioral Sciences</li> <li class="show">Program Monitoring and Implementation</li> <li class="show">Program Assessment and Evaluation</li> </ul> <ul class="scope-area-list"> <li class="show">Intervention or Protocol Studies</li> <li class="show">Clinical Trials and Social and Behavioral Interventions</li> <li class="show">Nursing Research</li> <li class="show">Global or International Health</li> <li class="show">Complementary and Alternative Medicine</li> <li class="show">Natural Products Research</li> <li class="show">Community-Based Participatory Research</li> <li class="show">Field Studies and Reports</li> </ul> </div> en-US Sat, 31 Jul 2021 05:59:49 +0600 OJS 60 NEW INITIATIVE TO REWARD PEER-REVIEWERS <p>We are pleased to announce that our 2 journals,&nbsp;the&nbsp;<a href="">International Journal of Maternal and Child Health and AIDS (IJMA)</a>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<a href="">International Journal of Translational Medical Research and Public Health (IJTMRPH)</a>&nbsp;have joined&nbsp;ReviewerCredits, the most comprehensive platform to&nbsp;certify, measure, and reward&nbsp;the activity of scientists as peer-reviewers. Reviewers who will complete and submit reviews for IJMA and IJTMRPH will be validated by the Editors and will be entitled to virtual credits, which can be used to obtain benefits offered by ReviewerCredits partners.&nbsp;This innovative collaboration represents for us a crucial effort and a great step forward for higher recognition of editorial activities, contributing to a comprehensive re-thinking and a global innovation of the academic editorial world.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Thu, 15 Jul 2021 05:59:55 +0600 HOW TO WRITE A GOOD TITLE FOR JOURNAL ARTICLES <p>Titles of journal articles come in a variety of ways and you&nbsp;probably have&nbsp;encountered most of them. For example, Hartley (2008) lists as many as 13 different types but for the sake of clarity we can summarize the most common formats in just three types (Jamali &amp; Nikzad, 2011):</p> <ul> <li class="show"><em>Declarative titles</em> – state the main findings or conclusions (e.g. ‘A three-month weight loss program increases self-esteem in adolescent girls)</li> <li class="show"><em>Descriptive titles&nbsp;</em>– describe the subject of the article but do not reveal the main conclusions (e.g. ‘The effects of family support on patients with dementia’).</li> <li class="show"><em>Interrogative titles&nbsp;</em>–<em>&nbsp;</em>introduce the subject in the form of a question (e.g. ‘Does cognitive training improve performance on pattern recognition tasks?’)</li> <li class="show">CREDIT:</li> </ul> Sat, 08 May 2021 14:06:49 +0600 New Journal Policy on Academic Qualifications <p>Effective September 1, 2020, IJTMRPH has modified its policy on the types of academic qualifications that authors can add alongside their names in articles published in the journal.</p> <p>Henceforth, only earned academic qualifications will be allowed to be added to author qualifications on their papers. For our working purpose, earned academic degrees include only degrees that have been duly awarded by recognized academic institutions of higher learning. Fellowship or honorary degrees will no longer be published. Degrees in progress (such as ABD, candidacy, etc.) will no longer be published. &nbsp;</p> <p>For the purpose of this policy, the following are the academic degrees:</p> <p><strong>Bachelors</strong>&nbsp;(BA, BS, BSc, LLB)</p> <p><strong>Masters:</strong>&nbsp;(MA, MS, MSc, MPH, MBA, MPA, MPhil, EdM, MSPH, ScM, LLM)</p> <p><strong>Doctorates:</strong>&nbsp;(PhD, DrPH, PsyD, EdD, DBA, JD, ScD)</p> <p><strong>Clinical Degrees:</strong>&nbsp;(MD, MBBS, MbBch, RN, RD)</p> <p>The journal respects and values the amount of time and efforts that scholars invest in earning these qualifications. However, as a global health journal, we want to ensure that we treat all our authors with respect and that we are treating all fairly. While some non-academic qualifications, such as fellowships, are well-known, especially in developed countries, some are not. There are many of them. The task of verifying these non-academic qualifications is onerous, time consuming, financially tasking, and cannot be embarked upon by the journal.</p> <p>We thank all our authors for their understanding. We welcome your comments.</p> Sat, 05 Sep 2020 19:34:51 +0600 Expert U.S. Panel Develops NIH Treatment Guidelines for COVID-19 <p>A panel of U.S. physicians, statisticians, and other experts has developed treatment guidelines for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). These guidelines, intended for healthcare providers, are based on published and preliminary data and the clinical expertise of the panelists, many of whom are frontline clinicians caring for patients during the rapidly evolving pandemic.</p> <p>The guidelines consider two broad categories of therapies currently in use by healthcare providers for COVID-19: antivirals, which may target the coronavirus directly, and host modifiers and immune-based therapies, which may influence the immune response to the virus or target the virus.</p> <p><img src="/public/site/images/admin/Covid-19.jpg"></p> <p>The panel notes that the document is a “Living document” which is expected to be updated often as new clinical data accrue.&nbsp;The guidelines are posted online <a href="">( </a>and will be updated often as new data are published in peer-reviewed scientific literature and other authoritative information emerges.</p> Fri, 24 Apr 2020 12:12:49 +0600 SUBMISSION & WITHDRAWAL POLICIES <p>In order to protect the integrity of our peer-review process, this journal fully enforces the following submission and withdrawal policies:</p> <ul> <li class="show">We will not tolerate frivolous requests for withdrawal after manuscripts have undergone peer-review, or even galley production, etc.&nbsp;</li> <li class="show">Authors have 15 days to withdraw their manuscript after submission;</li> <li class="show">After 15 days, our editorial review commences and a manuscript cannot be withdrawn;</li> <li class="show">We reserve the right to request authors to pay submission fee of no less than US $50 (subject to change depending on the length of the article) if a request for withdrawal is approved 15 days post-submission. This fee will be applied towards Article Processing Charges (APC) should the manuscript be accepted. If the manuscript is rejected, the authors will receive full refund less cost of transactions;</li> <li class="show">We have a zero tolerance for double-submissions where an author submits the same manuscript to more than one journal at a time. This abhorrent unethical behavior tarnishes the image of academic publishing and wastes peer-reviewers' time. If you engage in this unethical behavior with us, we reserve the right to publish your name on our website and distribute it among our affiliate journals, organizations, and multiple websites.&nbsp;<strong>Please think before you double-submit!</strong></li> <li class="show">For questions, please emai the Editor-in-Chief at <a href=""></a>.</li> </ul> Sat, 30 Jan 2016 00:00:00 +0600