INTRODUCTION: Musculoskeletal disorders are most common among medical laboratory technicians. Healthcare professionals (Lab workers) were exposed to number of workplace musculoskeletal risk like back and shoulder injuries and other exertions of joints and muscles, which are aggravated by static, sustained and prolong position.
OBJECTIVE: To find out the prevalence and factors associated with work related-musculoskeletal disorderders (WR-MSDs) among laboratory workers at tertiary care hospitals of Peshawar.
METHODOLOGY: This study was cross sectional survey which was carried out for the period of 6 months from (May 2018 to October 2018) This study was conducted among laboratory worker at tertiary care hospitals of Peshawar. The total Sample size was 208 students calculated by using WHO sample size calculator. Sampling technique was Convenient probability sampling.
RESULTS: According to the current study from a total of 208 participants, 195 (93.8%) were males and 13 (6.3%) were females. The most important findings of our study was that out of 208 participants, 92 (44.2%) have pain and 116 (55.5%) have no pain. Our study also showed that out of 92 painful participants, 36 (17.3%) have Lower back pain, 23 (11. %) have Neck pain, 11(5.3%) have shoulder & upper back pain, 4 (1.9%) have ankle and feet pain and 2 (1%), have hip region, wrist and hands, knee pain and 1(0.5%) have elbow pain. So the study revealed that Lower back pain is the most common work related musculoskeletal complaint followed by neck pain and then shoulder, upper back, ankle and feet. Over activity 31(14.9%) is the most common WR-MSK risk factor followed by working in the same position 24 (11.5%) and awkward posture 16 (7.7%) during work among laboratory worker.
CONCLUSION: This research found that there is considerable prevalence of work related MSK complaints among laboratory workers i-e; 44.2 %. This study also shows that Lower back pain is the most common work related musculoskeletal complaint followed by neck pain and then shoulder, upper back, ankle and feet.
KEY WORDS: MSDs, WR-MSDs, Laboratory workers and risk factors, Pain
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