INTRODUCTION: Poor sleep quality is one of the important causes of excessive use of Internet. Sleep quality is a frequent problem in our society. Furthermore, sleep quality is significant aspect regarding sleep awake performance, and poor sleep quality found to be related with deprived academic success, health, and absenteeism from work as well.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the association between excessive use of Internet and poor sleep quality among undergraduate final year physical therapy students, Peshawar.
METHODOLOGY: This study was cross sectional survey which was carried out for the period of 6 months from (March 2018 to August 2018) This study was conducted among students studying in final year Physical therapy at different Physical therapy Institutions of Peshawar. The total Sample size was 130 students calculated by using WHO sample size calculator. Sampling technique was convenient probability sampling.
RESULTS: The overall association among Poor sleep quality and Level of Internet dependence. Out of 130 students 30 (23%) students was found to be severely addicted to Internet while 9(6.42%) out of 130 students were moderately addicted to Internet whereas 91(70%) had a mild addiction to Internet. For sleep Quality out of 130 students 55(42.31%) had poor sleep quality while 75(57.69%) out of 130 had good quality sleep. In final analysis included 130 students 73 (54.6%) were female and 57 (43.8%) were male with mean age 23.42±.955. There was significant association between excessive use of Internet and poor sleep quality which was less then ≤ 0.01.
CONCLUSION: The excessive use of Internet affects quality of sleep in students of physical therapy. Thus this is essential for developing interventions, and educational strategies. Furthermore, screening of Internet addiction among students should be performing on a large scale to determine its association with sleep disorders and insomnia.
KEY WORDS: Internet addiction, Sleep quality, Pittsburgh sleep quality index
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