
  • iqbal Wahid
  • Danish Ali Khan
  • Ejaz Hassan Khan


In the first place, defining of learning and memory would enable us to comprehend their relationship to better.1 Learning is the way toward increasing new and moderately enduring information and behaviours.1 Memory refers to the process of recording and retrieving experiences and information.2 Information Processing Model is a basis for the communication of memory and learning. What’s more, the way toward learning is very like this model, individuals see new information, recognize and retain it, and afterward encoding it into individual learning as encoding it into long-term memory.3 Also, the data-preparing model incorporates each part of how memory functions. There are three fundamental memory types in this model which are sensory memory and short term/working memory, and long-term memory.4 In tactile memory, data is put away in the blink of an eye, additionally just 5-9 pieces can be hold for around 15-30 seconds in here and now memory.4 In any case, once the data exchanges to long term memory, it would be last yearly.5 There are two procedures that occur between here and short term /working memory and long term memory, one is called encoding forms that alludes to the way toward moving data from here and now memory to long term memory and the other one is recovery forms which is the procedure of data is conveyed to working memory from long term memory.6 Both the processes play a significant role in learning.6
Essential approaches to approach problem and issues in life, to learn in astounding route and to ceaselessly enhance quality are ventures towards taking care of issues. We require both a hypothesis and quality instruments to cultivate excellent considering and Memorization.6 There are two procedures that occur between here and short term /working memory and long term memory, one is called encoding forms that alludes to the way toward moving data from here and now memory to long term memory, and the other one is recovery forms which is the procedure of data is conveyed to working memory from long term memory. Both of the procedures assume a critical part in learning.7


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