
  • Munifah Khalil
  • Fahad Tanveer
  • Danish Ali Khan


BACKGROUND: Infertility is one of the most worrisome women health issue in today’s world. The reason of its yearly increase may be the increasing reporting rate that previously people do not talk about unless decades pass. Non-fertile females may develop number of correlating social dilemmas. These factors need to be identified whether these are associated with status of fertility.
OBJECTIVE: To determine social factors affecting fertility of females of Lahore
METHODS: This was cross sectional survey conducted in Teaching Hospital of University of Lahore and Social Security Hospital, Multan Road. Total of 126 females surveyed through a sample of convenience, distributed 63 as fertile and 63 as non-fertile.
RESULTS: The results showed that mean and standard deviation for age, duration of infertility and body mass index for fertile group was 23.285+3.470, 0.174+0.382 and 24.222+1.853, while for non-fertile group were those of 26.523+4.211, 5.44+3.251 and 26.333+1.722, respectively. There found factors significantly associated with status fertility, while the factors which were not associated found to be residing place and the change in attitude towards sexual intimacy p value 0.323 and 0.843.
CONCLUSION: The factors significantly associated with status of fertility were age, occupation, quality of life, life stress, overall satisfaction, relationship with in mother and father in law, relationship with community and that of Body Mass Index. While the factors which were not associated found to be residing place and change in attitude towards sexual intimacy.
KEYWORDS: Social factors, Fertility, Infertility, Physical Therapy


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