
  • Waheed Ahmad
  • Tazeen Tazeen
  • Nawal Naveed
  • Maham Irfan
  • Andleeb Farooq


INTRODUCTION: Stem Cells therapy mainly focuses on the use of stem cells, which have the potential, to revert back the affected brain cells into healthy brain cells which provides a ray of hope for the individual that is affected with traumatic brain injury. Traumatic brain injury is sudden damage to the brain brought about by a blast or shock to the head. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the main cause of morbidity and mortality in individuals below the age of 45 years in the world. Stem cell therapy uses.
Mainly there are two modes by which stem cells are employed to treat traumatic brain injuries. Exogenous and Endogenous stem cell approaches to treat damage brain. Although the use of stem cell therapy has brought about various ethical concerns which needs to be addressed carefully in order to take full advantage of this mysterious technology being introduced recently.
Stem cell therapy withstands the most effective approach for treating affected brain cells which will further bring plethora of wonders for the human beings if allowed to continue in a progressive way.
CONCLUSION: Stem cell therapy as a new alternative to all previous technologies to treat the damage brain cells have emerged as one of the most effective, long lasting and applicable in true means. All previous therapies that were and are used for the treatment of brain cells have not proven successful due to its low applicability. Stem cell therapy as a technology in its early days also faces various ethical challenges and concerns regarding its use to revert back the affected brain cells.
KEYWORDS: Exogenous stem cells, Endogenous stem cells.


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