Prevalence of Depression, Anxiety and Stress in College Students of Peshawar


  • Mustafa Qazi


INTRODUCTION: Through the social media, it has been observed that many students face various mental and psychological issues regarding their studies and exams at the intermediate level.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress in college students in the pre-final examination period.
METHODOLOGY: This was cross sectional study consisted of randomly selected of HSSC 11th and 12th grade male (89%) and female (11%) students with an average age of 18.6 years attending Islamia College, Peshawar. The participants completed a survey consisting of demographic questions, a section instructing the participants to rate the level of concern associated with challenges related to their personal lives and daily activities, and the question version of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS 42).
RESULTS: The results indicated that mild and moderate levels of depression were found in 59% and severe and extremely severe levels were found in 38% of students. Mild and moderate levels of anxiety were found in 9% whereas severe and extremely severe levels were found in 89% students. Mild and moderate levels of stress were found in 19% and severe and extremely severe levels were found in 79% of students.
CONCLUSION: These results are alarming as far as the students’ mental health and wellbeing is concerned therefore, it is vitally important that all the stakeholders related to the education sector should devise proper health treatment programs for their students in order to achieve their educational and developmental objectives.
KEY WORDS: Anxiety;College students; DASS; Depression; Islamia College University; Stress


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