
  • Naseer Ahmed


INTRODUCTION: The World Health Organization predicts that tobacco deaths in India may exceed 1.5 million annually by 2020. Oral cancer progress through the transformation of tobacco exposed normal oral mucosa to potentially malignant lesions which ultimately changes to carcinoma. OSMF is now globally accepted as an Indian disease. It has one of the highest rates of malignant transformation among potentially malignant oral lesions.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of oral submucous fibrosis in 16 – 40 year old individuals attending the Dental Outpatient department of Civil Hospital Karachi.
METHODOLOGY: This was Descriptive cross sectional study, which was conducted at Dental Outpatient department of Civil Hospital Karachi from 1st July to 28th December 2019. The data was collected through pre tested questionnaire. Patient’s attending the OPD of Civil Hospital, Karachi. Having s aged 16 – 40 year olds.with limited mouth opening and OSF and Squamous cell carcinoma.
RESULTS: This was Descriptive cross sectional study, which was conducted at Dental Outpatient department of Civil Hospital Karachi from 1st July to 28th December 2019. The data was collected through pre tested questionnaire. Patient’s attending the OPD of Civil Hospital, Karachi. Having s aged 16 – 40 year olds.with limited mouth opening and OSF and Squamous cell carcinoma. The results were analyzed as: Age distribution among 100 particpants were analyzed as 20-30 Years (36.4%) 31-40 Years (64.6%) Mean age was 33.2 years with standard deviation ±2.142 Gender distribution among 147 patients was analyzed as n= Gender Wise Distribution Male was (73.5%) Female was (26.5%).
CONCLUSION: We conclude that areca nut chewing has a causal relationship with OSF: additional tobacco insult may be necessary for subsequent carcinoma development.There is a marked difference in literacy, socioeconomic status, areca nut chewing habits, symptoms and disease severity
KEY WORDS: Frequency, Oral Submucous Fibrosis


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