Assessing factors and barriers influencing nutritional behaviors of postgraduate students in Khyber Medical University, Peshawar
INTRODUCTION: The period of switched over from secondary school to University life is considered as a critical period for students to develop & adhere to the unhealthy eating behaviours as it can effect adolescents health in a longer run, in a later life.
OBJECTIVE: To assessing factors influencing nutritional behaviors of postgraduate students in Khyber Medical University, Peshawar.
METHODOLOGY: A qualitative multiple case study in which In-Depth interviews with 4-8 participants from each constituent institute of Khyber Medical University have been conducted. Total no. of participants in in-depth interviews were fifteen. Each institute is taken as one case, selected through purposive maximum variation sampling technique.
RESULTS: A variety of factors influences University students eating behaviour and dietary consumption. Five themes that emerged were “Individual factors†indicating the lack of sense of prioritization about personal health in relation to other concerns and taste preference for other foods. Intrapersonal factors include lifestyle, knowledge, skills & eating behaviours i.e. cooking Skills, level of knowledge about healthy food , taste preference for specific food, family eating behaviours hinder the development of eating patterns; “Social Environment†indicating lifestyle and unhealthy eating behaviors of pathans; as a part of culture & tradition, friends & family influence in making food choices “physical Environment†indicating a need for easy availability, affordability, accessibility of healthy food options in both outside & university setting ,also identify barriers, opportunities to healthy eating.
CONCLUSION: It is concluded that a variety of factors i.e. intrapersonal, interpersonal, and environmental is responsible for developing eating behaviours and food consumption. Therefore, desighning of multilevel nutritional programs may be worthwhile to promote healthy eating behavior and dietary intake among university students.
KEY WORDS: Exploring, factors, influencing, eating behaviors and postgraduate students.
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