INTRODUCTION: Educational environment of an institution affects the quality of learning. We aim to assess the perception of students regarding educational environment in undergraduate medical education. Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) was developed and validated at the centre for Medical Education, University of Dundee in 1997 by an international Delphi panel of medical educators.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the perception of students regarding educational environment in undergraduate medical education..
METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional study was carried out during April 2017 to September 2017. The validated Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) questionnaire was e-mailed to 210 students. Mean scores of the main domains of the questionnaire, and for each item, were calculated.
RESULTS: The total sample size was 210.The respondents were 55(60.44%) females and 36(39.56%) males. The Alpha Coefficient reliability of this study is 0.78. The total mean DREEM score (TS) was found to be 93.57 For the subscales: SPL,SPT, SASSP, SPA were 23.89, 20.16, 15.53, 20.5 and 13.61 respectively.
CONCLUSION: Students’ perception of medical educational environment Participants assessed the educational environment as Having area which could be improved and enhanced. This need consideration and active management for improvement across all five subscales or domains of the educational environment. This study provide baseline information although in a limited scale as it reflects 3rd year students only, further studies are required to explore details of the educational environment across all levels of study in the college and to compare between our medical institutions
KEY WORDS: Medical education, undergraduate, medical students, environment, learning, teaching
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