The prevalence of patients’ satisfaction with nursing care in tertiary care hospital, Peshawar
INTRODUCTION: In health care system quality of care depends on the technical competence and interpersonal relationship of the health care providers(1). Level of patient satisfaction can be measured with nursing care they receive in hospital in terms of nurses’ communication, companionate welcome, unavoidable attitude, effective support, health information and decisional control.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study is to determine magnitude of patient satisfaction in an inpatient department of tertiary care hospital.
METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 152 patients in Lady reading hospital of Peshawar from October 2015 to December 2015. Data was collected through a semi-structured self administered questionnaire from patients of age 20 and above and who had spent at least two days receiving nursing care in wards.
RESULTS: Data collected from eligible 152 patients through a semi structured questionnaire, the level of satisfaction of patients with varied dimensions shows that they were satisfied by warm welcome of nurses was 67.8%, orientation to ward environment was 75,5%. Patients satisfaction linked to work collaboration of nurses was 92.8%. Eight two percent of patients were satisfied from nurses in care provision to provide prior information regarding any procedure. In collaborative communication, patient were satisfied from nurses were 89.9%, in unavoidable attitude and listening were 92.1%. Besides, mentioned dimensions patients were satisfied from nurses in respect of their knowledge and skill performance was 84.2%. Overall study results showed that patients were satisfied from nursing care they received.
CONCLUSION: Nurses are the main epitome of patient satisfaction in health care system/hospitals. Patients’ comments and feedback is valuable in identifying the responsible factors related to their level of satisfaction in quality nursing care. Considering the patient feedback in patient care will give a gratitude to the health care institution and quality care provision.
KEY WORDS: Satisfaction, Patient, Nursing care, Nurse, Hospital
Pediatric, Centre SKMCHR, Lahore, College PPM, Peshawar, Pakistan
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