INTRODUCTION: Birth weight has been shown to correlate with survival in all animals. Low birth weight alone is a better predictor of perinatal morbidity and mortality than gestational age alone. But for a given birth weight greater gestational age is associated with decreased risks.
OBJECTIVE: The main objective of this study was to find out the correlation of fetal weight at different gestational age.
METHODOLOGY: It was across sectional study conducted on 2000 babies and their mothers at Obstetric &Gynae unit of Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar from 1st June 2015 to 30th May 2016. Non probability sampling technique was used to select the study subjects. All babies who were born after 28 weeks of pregnancy and their mothers were included in the study. A semi structured questionnaire was designed to take the history and other information from the mothers. Mothers were properly examined and their vitals were recorded using standard protocols. Different variables like age of the mother, gestational age, parity of mother, socioeconomic status, Height, weight and sex of the babies were determined. Weight of the babies was measured with a standard digital scale. Gestational age of babies was measured by various means available. Abnormal babies, still born babies and babies of the mothers with medical and Obstetrical complications were excluded from the study. Data was presented in the form of tables and analysis was made.
RESULTS: Results of the study shows a positive correlation of fetal weight with increasing gestational age, parity of the mother, age of the mothers, male gender of the babies, low socioeconomic status of the families and height of the mothers.
CONCLUSION: Fetal weight is directly correlated with different gestational ages. Other factors like sex of the baby, maternal height and weight, socioeconomic status and weight of the mother also affect the weight of the fetus.
KEY WORDS: Gestational age, parity, fetus, pregnancy, still born
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