Increase Tendency Of Suicidal Hanging among Alcoholic Males In The District Of Lahore.
INTRODUCTION: Alcohol intoxication is becoming one of the biggest social problem of our society. The reason is easy access, availability and euphoria. The prevalence of alcoholism is more among males in their 3rd decade of life. The triggering factors are low socioeconomic status, joblessness, diseases early death of close relatives and sudden financial loss.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to determine manner of death in cases of hanging and gender variation in various age groups of asphyxial deaths in the district of Lahore.
METHODOLOGY: The study was conducted in Lahore and data was collected from various sources including cases reported in Forensic Medicine Department Lahore General Hospital, Mayo Hospital, police stations and from autopsy record room. A total of 857 cases of hanging were reported during the study period of 03 years i.e. 2012-2015. After detailed scrutiny 220 cases of asphyxial deaths were selected for this study.
RESULTS: Amongst this total number of autopsies in 220 cases, the cause of death was asphyxia (7.39%). Hanging surpassed amongst all asphyxial deaths 104 which was 47.27%, ligature strangulation was next in number 64 (29.09%) and then the throttling 52 (23.64%)
Out of these 104 cases of hanging 72 were males with predominance of Male/Female ratio 2.25:1. Age group of 21-30 showed higher incidence in males than the females. The homicidal deaths were 126 (57.27%), suicidal 68 (30.91%) and un-determined were 26 (11.82%).
CONCLUSION: Hanging remains the commonest method of suicide in males especially in age group of 21-30. And ligature strangulation and throttling are used in homicide. The damage noticed above the thyroid cartilage favors death due to hanging and throttling. While the injuries present at or below the thyroid cartilage indicate ligature strangulation. If fracture of hyoid bone is found, it is a common finding in death due to strangulation.
KEY WORDS: Intoxication, Asphyxia, Hanging, Alcoholism, Ligature Strangulation, Throttling, Hyoid Bone.
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