Prevalence and patterns of tobacco use in the rural areas of District Lakki Marwat
INTRODUCTION: Tobacco use is responsible for a large number of mortalities and morbidities in people around the world but the prevalence of its use is still high in some part of the world particularly in urban areas of our country.
OBJECTIVE: The main objective of the study is to find out the prevalence and different patterns of tobacco use in different villages of district lakki marwat
METHODOLOGY: A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted in the four villages of District Lakki Marwat, having same demographic conditions. Multistage cluster sampling techniques was used to collect the data. Semi structured questionnaire was used as a study tool. Research assistants were hired for data collection. Purpose of the study, data collection and information collection techniques from the respondents were explained to them. Verbal consent of the respondents was taken before including them in our required sample. Pilot study was conducted to check the feasibility of the questionnaire and changes were made then accordingly. Populations above 15 years male were included in the study sample. Results were presented in the form of tables and graphs. Analysis was done by using SPSS software version 16.
RESULTS: The use of tobacco was found to be high among the people of rural areas of District Lakki Marwat that is 48%. The prevalence was more common in the age range of 40 to 60 years that is 51% while mostly the people were using snuff 953 (53%) followed by cigarette smoking 625(35%). The use of pipe and cigar was almost negligible.
CONCLUSION: The prevalence of tobacco use in different pattern is still very high in District Lakki Marwat. Mostly tobacco is used in the form of Naswar in the age range of 40 to 60 years.
KEY WORDS: Tobacco use, snuff, Hukka
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