Surgical outcome of dorsolumber spinal injury stabilization with fixateur interne


  • Mian IFtikhar ul Haq


Introduction: Spinal column and cord injuries constitute an important cause of morbidity among young people. Traumatic insults to the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae constitute the leading cause of paraparesis and paraplegia. These can be accompanied by bowel and bladder dysfunction
Objective: To determine the outcome of dorsolumbar spinal injury stabilization with fixateur interne.
METHODOLOGY: This was descriptive case series conducted in Department of Neurosurgery, Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences [PIMS], Islamabad. Total of fifty (50) patients of either gender and all age groups who presented with dorsolumbar spinal trauma were included in the study. Complications and Neurologic recovery were assessed in the postoperative phase. Data were collected using a specially designed proforma. SPSS version 16.0 was used for the data entry and analysis.
Results: Out of 50 patients, 39(78%) were males while 11(22%) were females. The age of the patients ranged between 13-67 years with a mean of 34.88 ± 13.38 years. 33(66%) patients had dorsolumbar spine injuries due to fall while 17(34%) patients had injury secondary to road traffic accidents. 14(28%) patients had poly trauma while remaining 36(72%) had isolated spinal injury. Compression fracture was the commonest type of fracture n=15(30 %), followed by flexion distraction in 7 (14 %), fracture dislocation in10 (20 %) patients, burst fractures in 12 (24 %), while 7 (14 %) patients had Spondyloloptosis. Postoperative complications were respiratory tract infections in 10(20%) patients, urinary tract infections in 3(6%) patients and bed sores in 1(2%) patient. The hospital stay ranged from 12-45 days with a mean hospital stay of 16.12±5.36 days.
Conclusion: Fixateur interne for unstable dorsolumbar spine trauma is the best management modality as it reduces the morbidity and having good neurological outcome of patients.
Key words: Neurological outcome. Dorsolumbar spine injury


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