Nutritive value and bacterial load of fresh and ultra-heated (UHT) milk, a comparative study at district Peshawar


  • Riaz Gul


Introduction: Raw milk consumption is a major health concern all over the world particularly in under developed countries where it can lead to a number of healthrelated problems in public and is still among one of the the leading causes of food borne diseases.
Objective: To compare fresh, and ultra-heated (UHT) milk with respect to its nutritive value and bacterialload at district Peshawar.
METHODOLOGY: A cross sectional analytical study conducted for duration of four months, i.e. from June 2015 to September 2015 at all four towns of district Peshawar. Multistage cluster sampling technique was adopted to collect milk samples from milk selling points / shops. Total of 200 samples 100 each of UHT and fresh milk were collected using separate aseptic glass bottle. Three samples of 15 ml from each point were taken for nutritive value, and bacterial load for comparison. Milk with known low fat, high calcium, and expired milk samples were excluded from the study. Required tests were carried out at the Centre of microbiology and bacteriology and animal nutrition veterinary research institute Peshawar, by using standard protocol recommended by W.H.O.Results were tabulated and analyzed by using SPSS version 16.
Results: Significant difference was observed between ultra-heated (UHT) and fresh milk with respect to bacterial load with a p value less than .005. (P<.005),while there was no significant difference in nutritive value (fats, proteins, and lactose etc.)between two types of milk.
Conclusion: The available fresh and ultra-heated milk in district Peshawar were same in their nutritive value while the bacterial load of the ultra-heated milk was less and hence better than the fresh milk for the health.
Key wordS: Ultra-heated milk, condensed milk,pasteurization, homogenization.


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