INTRODUCTION Hypospadias is one of the most common congenital anomalies in male newborns accounting for one in 300 new born male babies. It is the ectopic presence of urethral meatus on the undersurface of the phallus. Surgery of hypsopadias is riddled with complications. Urethrocutaneous fistula complicating hypospadias repair appears the most common problem.
OBJECTIVE To determine the frequency of urethrocutaneous fistula in patients with post two staged aivarBracka repair of hypospadias.
METHODS This study was conducted at Department of Plastic and reconstructive Surgery unit, Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar. Study design was descriptive and cross-sectional Duration of the study was 16 months in which 82 patients were observed by using WHO formula for sample size. Non-probability consecutive sampling technique was used for sample collection.
RESULTS In this study 72% patients were in age range 3-6 years, 28% patients were in age range 7-10 years. Mean age was 3 years with SD ±1.31. Twenty percent patients had urethrocutaneous fistula while 80% patients didn’t have any fistula.
CONCLUSION Fistula rate in hypospadias repair depends on the technique as well as the learning curve of the surgeon. The commonest complication following two-stage Aivar Bracka repair of hypospadias is fistula and this study confirms it to be at a 20% occurrence.
KEY WORDS Urethrocutaneous fistula, Braka repair, Hypospadias
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