INTRODUCTION Worldwide, the occurrence of thyroid cancer has increased fivefold during the last 60 years. Northern areas in Pakistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are goiter endemic areas. Pattern of diseases include simple goiter, thyroiditis, adenoma, carcinoma, multi nodular goiter, and primary thyroid hyperplasia.
OBJECTIVE To determine Common Patterns of goitrous lesion in patients presented to Northwest General Hospital, Peshawar
METHODOLOGY This was a Descriptive cross sectional study. All thyroid lesions received in the Department of Pathology, North West General Hospital and research center, Peshawar, from January 2013 to October 2015 were reviewed, and relevant special stains were performed.
RESULTS Out of the 610 thyroid lesions that were examined, 433 (71%) were non-neoplastic lesions (399 (90%) multi nodular goiters, 24 (5.5%) cases of lymphocytic thyroiditis, 15 (3.5%) benign cysts, 3 (0.7%) cases of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and 1 (0.3%) primary thyroid hyperplasia) and 177 (29%) were neoplastic (69 (39%) cases benign and 108 (61%) were found to be malignant). Female (127) to male (50) ratio was of 2.54:1in neoplastic lesions.
All (69) benign lesions were follicular adenoma. Amongst the malignant lesions papillary carcinoma was the most common at 97 (90%) cases followed by follicular carcinoma 7 (6%), medullary carcinoma 2 (2%) and undifferentiated carcinoma at 2 (2%).
CONCLUSION The most common cause of goiter was multi nodular goiter. Among the neoplastic lesions, follicular adenoma was the commonest, while papillary carcinoma was the most common malignant lesions.
KEY WORDS Multi nodular goiter, follicular adenoma, well-differentiated tumors of uncertain malignant potential, Papillary carcinoma.
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