Non-Algorithmic Understanding Game
Artificial Intelligence (AI) , LaMDA , Consciousness , Turing Test , Non-Algorithmic , Comprehension Game , Critical Philosophy of TechnologyAbstract
Would it be possible – we ask – that a cybernetic-informational system – a computer, android or robot – could come to have self-awareness, that is, to experience awareness of the world around it and also of itself? The objective of this essay is to critically reflect on the current condition of our most modern artificial intelligence (AI) systems, their latent potentials, their promising technical possibilities, but also on their intrinsic structural and functional limitations. To do so, we will take as a case study this time Google's new LaMDA, which is a powerful expert system for processing spoken human language based on artificial intelligence (AI).
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Sites acessados
Cowen, T. (June 13, 2022). If AI Ever Becomes Sentient, It Will Let Us Know. The Washington Post. Disponível em: Acesso em 2022.
Lemoine, B. (June 11, 2022). What is LaMDA and What Does it Want?. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2022.
Lemoine, B. (June 11, 2022). Is LaMDA Senient? Disponível em: Acesso em: 11/12/2022.