The Teaching of Skills in Undergraduate Studies

Application case: Title of Leadership of the San Pablo CEU University


  • Sonia Martín Gómez Universidad San Pablo CEU - CEU Universities
  • Ángel Bartolomé Muñoz de Luna Universidad San Pablo CEU - CEU Universities
  • María Jesús Lago Ávila Universidad San Pablo CEU - CEU Universities


Leadership, Skills, Methodology, Challenges, Employability, Design sprint, Agile methods


This article describes an educational innovation project for learning skills, carried out in the Own Leadership Course of the San Pablo CEU University, transversal to all its educational offer. This is a new project based on hybrid teaching, where the more theoretical masterclasses have been complemented with a challenge-based learning linked to communication and sustainability matters, applying the Design Sprint methodology. In this way, the student is trained in the so-called soft skills that are increasingly in demand by the work environment.


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Research Articles (Special Issue)