To Ecologize: Paths to the Planetary Ecopolitics
Complexity, Planetary Ecopolitics, Ecologized ThoughtAbstract
We created a society based on the idea of development and dominance upon the nature. We live under the threats of the nuclear power, the degradation of the biosphere, the extinction of the multiple life forms and, maybe, of the planet itself. Faced by the devastation of the ecosystems, we have been observing during the last decades the unfolding of the ecological awareness, the environmental and the sustainable economy, nevertheless ineffective to deal with the ecological crisis of the present. The overcoming of the planetary agony requires humanity to have an ecologized thought. We can observe in Michel Serres' work the philosophical arguments that are adequate to the formulation of a global ecopolitics in counterpoint to the development policy, even if sustainable. Dialoguing with Edgar Morin’s complex thought, ecologizing implicates to surpassing the reductionist and disjunctives limitations of the simplification paradigm that colonizes the contemporary thought. The ecologized thought opens up to the renewing paths of the knowledge about man in the relation with himself, the society, the nature and the cosmos.
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