The Roles of Social Worker During Flood Disaster Management in Dayeuhkolot District Bandung Indonesia


  • MD Kamrujjaman Department of Social Welfare, Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD), Indonesia
  • Binahayati Rusyidi Department of Social Welfare, Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD), Indonesia
  • Oekan S. Abdoellah Department of Social Welfare, Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD), Indonesia
  • Nunung Nurwati Department of Anthoropology and Institute of Ecology, Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD), Indonesia


Flood, Disaster, Management, Social Work, Role


Social work profession has long been involved with disaster management. In this study tried to discover the roles of the social worker of during flood disaster management of Dayeuhkolot community, Bandung, Indonesia. The study was conducted from 2015 to 2017 in Dayeuhkolot district, Bandung, west java, Indonesia

This study was qualitative approach with descriptive analysis. The primary source of data was collected from informant through in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, formal and informal discussion, and observation. Informants were selected purposively. Meanwhile, secondary data were collected from books, journals, and various Internet sources. The result of the study shows that the roles of the social worker in the during-disaster phase are catalyst includes evacuation and search and rescue, advocate includes creating a support group, facilitator for fundraising, outreach for social service provider and community health worker, supervisor, volunteer, and coordinator.

Social worker is playing these roles spontaneously, but sometimes they are facing problems like; limited worker for a large population, lack of practice experiences, an acquaintance of social work profession. As a result, they are removing their limitations from seniors and experts social worker. They are rewarded by community people, the government through material and non-material assets.

In Indonesia has no but little application of social work knowledge in disaster management while their government policy recognizes wellbeing of every citizen of the country. So government should apply social work knowledge in every setting including flood disaster management for the welfare of the nation.




How to Cite

Kamrujjaman, M., Rusyidi, B., Abdoellah, O., & Nurwati, N. (2023). The Roles of Social Worker During Flood Disaster Management in Dayeuhkolot District Bandung Indonesia. Journal of Social Work Education and Practice, 3(3), 31–45. Retrieved from


