Adolescent Self - Concept and Achievement Motivation: A Critical Analysis.


  • Jose Antony Associate Professor and Head,Department of Social Work, Sree Sanakaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady, Kerala, India.


Adolescent, Self Concept, Achievement motivation, CBSE and Sate Syllabus


Parents, teachers, religious leaders, psychologists and social workers; all say that adolescence is the most unpredictable and troublesome period of development. The role confusion, frustration, up-rootedness, indefiniteness and identity crisis characterize this stage of development. It is a period of rapid, disorganized, unbalanced, and chaotic growth into the blooming buzzing confusion and a matrix of chaotic privileges and responsibilities. During this period the instinctual curiosity turns to rational search for identity, achievements and acceptance. Self-concept and achievement motivations are the comprehensive motivational variables, which make the adolescent period meaningfully managed and adulthood successfully lived.

This study includes 800 secondary school students, aged between 16 and 18 years. Research methods used in this investigation are descriptive and explanatory based on normative survey. The instruments used were the Self -Concept Questionnaire (SCQ) Deo-Mohan Achievement Motivation (n-Ach). It was concluded that the Self Concept has a strong impact on the level of Achievement Motivation that enhance the relationship between motivation and performance.




How to Cite

Antony, J. (2023). Adolescent Self - Concept and Achievement Motivation: A Critical Analysis. Journal of Social Work Education and Practice, 2(4), 25–35. Retrieved from


