Frequency of Seroma Formation after Modified Radical Mastectomy in Patients who receive Neo-adjuvant Chemotherapy


  • Saira Fatima
  • Umm-e-Rabab Sandano
  • Aisha Shaikh
  • Musrat Sandano



Breast cancer, Modified radical mastectomy, Neo-adjuvant therapy, Seroma


Background: Breast cancer is among the commonest of causes of the death caused due to cancer in the females throughout the world.

Objective: To determine the frequency of Seroma formation in patients undergoing Modified Radical Mastectomy after neoadjuvant therapy.

Methodology: Study Design: Comparative cross-sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Surgery, Chandka Medical College Hospital, Larkana from November 2019 to January 2022. A total of 217 diagnosed cases of breast carcinoma patients who underwent a modified radical mastectomy after initially receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy were selected for this study. Pre-designed proforma was used to collect information related to different variables.

Results: The average age of the women was 47.29±8.38 years. The frequency of seroma formation in patients undergoing modified radical mastectomy with neo-adjuvant therapy was found in 41.94% (91/217). The average seroma Volume and number of resected lymph nodes were 56.64±5.64 ml and 7.59±1.08.

Conclusion:  Prediction of seroma formation following Modified Radical Mastectomy with neo-adjuvant therapy remains challenging. We identified no potential risk factors other than the pathological status of the tumor which was associated with an increased frequency of seroma formation.

